Level 1


Custom master pages:

  •  Templated font and colors
  •  Title slide and 1 divider slide design
  •  All standard master slides templatized (12 slides)
  • 1 customized table

Level 2


Level 1 assests plus...

  • 1 set of transitions
  • 2 formatted charts or graphs
  • 2 photo tool tips with client examples
  • 6 customized slides

Level 3


Level 2 assets plus...

  • 2 diagram slides
  • 3 photography uses
  • 2 animation techniques
  • 10 customized slides

Let's get started

[formidable id="1"]


Client will provide logo and color palette

Logo and color palette can be added with an additional design cost.

Included in all levels:

  • 2 half-hour phone consultations
  • Brief instructions on feature use